p x

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2012-04-01


Reported issues: 5


02:24 am OpenCV Bug #1545 (Open): Sometimes focal length is negative during bundle adjustment, it makes crash.
I am trying to repro this bug and if it still exists now, some test cases will be given. Thank you for your reply.


09:46 am OpenCV Bug #1693 (Done): SURF descriptors creation crashes in stitching module.
And I add SURF back to stitching module, the performance is very poor, only few of my 50 pictures can be stitched tog...


04:34 pm OpenCV Bug #1693 (Done): SURF descriptors creation crashes in stitching module.
I change the code like this in match.cpp, and it works:
@Mat descriptors;
(*surf)(gray_image, Mat(), featur...
04:20 pm OpenCV Bug #1693 (Done): SURF descriptors creation crashes in stitching module.


07:14 am OpenCV Bug #1545 (Open): Sometimes focal length is negative during bundle adjustment, it makes crash.


03:10 am OpenCV Bug #1349 (Done): SURF detect crashed with TBB
Please check it. It's 4 months ago.


04:13 am OpenCV Bug #1349 (Done): SURF detect crashed with TBB


03:26 pm OpenCV Feature #1314 (Open): cv::filestorage and vectors
I use boost instead, but I think it is necessary to add binary type [[FileStorage]].
03:16 pm OpenCV Bug #1317 (Cancelled): step of Mat is incorrect and it courses MFC display issue


12:53 pm OpenCV Bug #1264 (Done): The result picture of cv_stitching can not be shown directly.

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