Francesco Leotta

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2013-03-04


Reported issues: 2


09:56 pm OpenCV Bug #2853 (Open): OpenCV based application crashes on cvQueryFrame over FileCapture


07:54 pm OpenCV Bug #2115 (Open): Problem reading .AVI file when migrating from openCV 2.1 to openCV2.4.1
The problem still persists in OpenCV 2.4.9 64 bit. Windows 8. 320x240 color 20fps.


02:45 pm OpenCV Bug #1711 (Done): _USE_MATH_DEFINES redefinition warning under Visual Studio 2010


12:03 pm OpenCV Bug #1059 (Done): cvQueryFrame returns corrupted frames from video--plays fine on WMP
Problem appears to be solved on SVN Revision 5505


03:58 pm OpenCV Bug #1059 (Done): cvQueryFrame returns corrupted frames from video--plays fine on WMP
Problem confirmed on [[OpenCV]] 2.2, Windows 7, No QT, 64 bits build with VC2010 PRO. I've uploaded an example video ...

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