Pavlo Zvarych

  • Registered on: 2014-02-15
  • Last connection: 2014-07-29


Reported issues: 8


08:07 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3578 (Done): Problem with tutorial code
07:17 pm OpenCV Bug #3577 (Done): I thing, that it's will be better
04:55 pm OpenCV Bug #3575 (Done): Mask operations on matrices. Bugfix
12:49 pm OpenCV Bug #3574 (Cancelled): I think, that author had in mind this...


12:08 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3567 (Done): I have changed one sentence in tutorial, making it more understandable


08:10 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3551 (Done): Without "the"
Kirill Kornyakov wrote:
> Pavlo, could you please work on a pull request? It should be quite easy to send a patch......


08:29 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3551 (Done): Without "the"
07:26 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3550 (Done): Add add
05:58 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3549 (Done): Previous definition of command argument

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