Daniele Paganelli

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12


Reported issues: 4


12:28 pm OpenCV Bug #1486 (Done): Random non-zero pixels in cv.CreateImage after tostring() call.


06:13 pm OpenCV Feature #688 (Done): Memory leak in cv.Moments. A patch


05:24 pm OpenCV Bug #489 (Done): Memory leak in cv.Moments, cv.PolyLine
Problem is still there in 3947


01:01 pm OpenCV Feature #499 (Done): Partial patch for memleaks in fromarray, is_convertible_to_mat, convert_to_C...
It seems the problem is still there and the patch has not been applied.


09:32 am OpenCV Bug #493 (Done): I think cv.fromarray leaks memory
See #499 for a partial solution.
09:30 am OpenCV Feature #499 (Done): Partial patch for memleaks in fromarray, is_convertible_to_mat, convert_to_C...


04:23 pm OpenCV Bug #493 (Done): I think cv.fromarray leaks memory
I think I found the problem.
At the beginning of fromarray(PyObject *o, int allowND), cv.cpp:2790, there is a call t...
03:32 pm OpenCV Bug #493 (Done): I think cv.fromarray leaks memory
I'm sorry, it only slows it down, but does not remove the leak.
03:25 pm OpenCV Bug #493 (Done): I think cv.fromarray leaks memory
Someway, asking for the objects which reference @a@ after each fromarray call will stop the memleak....


09:33 am OpenCV Bug #489 (Done): Memory leak in cv.Moments, cv.PolyLine

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