Ben Buckner

  • Registered on: 2012-08-21
  • Last connection: 2012-09-12


Reported issues: 1


03:37 am OpenCV Bug #2350 (Done): HighGUI DirectShow verbose mode prints wrong flag


09:09 pm OpenCV Bug #2102 (Cancelled): Connecting to Point Grey chameleon camera
I think I found what causes the "warping".
(current 2.5 code from the repository)...
03:22 am OpenCV Bug #2102 (Cancelled): Connecting to Point Grey chameleon camera
Oh, regarding the color conversion problem, the inverted vertical coordinate may be part of the issue there as well. ...
02:14 am OpenCV Bug #2102 (Cancelled): Connecting to Point Grey chameleon camera
I've experienced this same problem with using the Point Grey DirectShow driver. Since the negative is a valid and mea...

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