lin huan
- Registered on: 2012-04-23
- Last connection: 2012-05-25
Reported issues: 2
- 07:32 am OpenCV Bug #1883 (Cancelled): opencv2.31 cvGoodFeaturesToTrack is faster using debug dll than release dll
- I presented this problem two weeks ago. The link is : - 07:30 am OpenCV Bug #1883 (Cancelled): opencv2.31 cvGoodFeaturesToTrack is faster using debug dll than release dll
- 07:26 am OpenCV Bug #1838 (Cancelled): opencv2.1 cvGoodFeaturesToTrack is faster using debug dll than release dll
- today I try the opencv 2.31
if I use debug vesion
@#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core231d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib...
- 04:18 am OpenCV Bug #1838 (Cancelled): opencv2.1 cvGoodFeaturesToTrack is faster using debug dll than release dll
- example:
@#pragma comment(lib,"cv210d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"cxcore210d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"highgui210d... - 04:15 am OpenCV Bug #1838 (Cancelled): opencv2.1 cvGoodFeaturesToTrack is faster using debug dll than release dll
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