Anton Sukhinov

  • Registered on: 2012-04-16
  • Last connection: 2013-11-10


Reported issues: 1


04:23 pm OpenCV Bug #3350 (Done): CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS missing in latest code
Unfortunately, "2.4" branch from the repository cannot be compiled via Visual Studio due to CMake errors (during proj...


11:17 am OpenCV Patch #2004 (Done): Machine Learning, Problem with large datasets
I see this:
Do I correctly understand that you finally fixed the issue? ...


08:37 am OpenCV Patch #2004 (Done): Machine Learning, Problem with large datasets
Sending updated patch with more fixes.
We also have the following problem: for large datasets (~150GB) the functio...


09:44 pm OpenCV Patch #2004 (Done): Machine Learning, Problem with large datasets
Ok, sending you crude patch for enabling processing of large data sets in ML module. Only partially tested.
We kno...


09:21 am OpenCV Patch #2004 (Done): Machine Learning, Problem with large datasets
The same problem:
08:32 am OpenCV Patch #1803 (Done): Too large memory buffer in boost.cpp ?
That code I refer to was in version 2.3.1.
In 2.4.1 the code is different (many corrections!), and does not have thi...
08:29 am OpenCV Patch #2004 (Done): Machine Learning, Problem with large datasets
We came across the same issue. It can not be fixed so easily.
The problem is not in array.cpp. Width and height (a...


10:37 am OpenCV Patch #1803 (Done): Too large memory buffer in boost.cpp ?
I have noticed that it was fixed in 2.4.1 version I have just downloaded.
Please close the issue.


10:14 am OpenCV Patch #1803 (Done): Too large memory buffer in boost.cpp ?

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