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Alexander Smorkalov, 2013-03-04 08:30 am


OpenCV4Android homepage is here: http://opencv.org/android. This wiki is for co-developers.

Submitting a bug

Have you done your homework? Let's check it:

  1. Please check that you use the latest version of OpenCV4Android. Please also check Release Notes.
  2. Please check the open Android issues on the tracker.
  3. Ask community about your problem. May be your question was already asked?
If you submit a ticket, please provide the correct "Category" name - android. If you could not identify the cause of the error, please provide the following information in your ticket:
  • Version number of Android platform (all 3 components of the version - for example: 2.2.1);
  • Exact CPU model of your device ("adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo" command);
  • Output of "adb logcat" command;
  • Name of a sample if the problem is reproducible for any of the samples included into the binary package.
  • If you can create a failing JUnit test, it may greatly help us.

Developer documentation