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Alexander Smorkalov, 2013-03-04 08:30 am


Major OpenCV4Android page is here: http://opencv.org/android.html.

Submitting a bug

Have you done your homework? Let's check it:

  1. Please check that you use the latest version of OpenCV4Android.
  2. Please check the open Android issues on the tracker.
  3. Ask community about your problem.
If you submit a ticket, please provide the correct "Category" name - android. If you could not identify the cause of the error, please provide the following information in your ticket:
  • Version number of Android platform (all 3 components of the version - for example: 2.2.1);
  • Exact CPU model of your device ("adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo" command);
  • Output of "adb logcat" command;
  • Name of a sample if the problem is reproducible for any of the samples included into the binary package.
  • If you can create a failing JUnit test, it may greatly help us.

Developer documentation