Debug in Visual Studio using NativeViewer
Version 1 (Mikhail Matrosov, 2012-08-22 10:09 pm)
1 | 1 | h1. Debug in Visual Studio using NativeViewer |
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3 | 1 | _This article is about debugging native C++ projects using Visual Studio 2010._ |
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5 | 1 | Quick links: NativeViewer at "SourceForge": and at "Visual Studio Gallery": |
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7 | 1 | We all spend a lot of time during debug of our projects. In Visual Studio we have such nice tools as "Watches" window and debugger tool-tips in the editor. These allow us to observe the values of variables determining state of our program. |
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9 | 1 | But what about images? How do we observe image content during debug? Usually the functions like "@imwrite@": or "@imshow@": are injected into code to spy over a certain image. But this approach has obvious drawback: it requires program rebuild to observe an image for which we don't have such instructions. In this article a tool is described allowing to view image content in the same way the usual variables are sought. |