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Mikhail Matrosov, 2012-08-22 10:09 pm

Debug in Visual Studio using NativeViewer

This article is about debugging native C++ projects using Visual Studio 2010.

Quick links: NativeViewer at SourceForge and at Visual Studio Gallery.

We all spend a lot of time during debug of our projects. In Visual Studio we have such nice tools as "Watches" window and debugger tool-tips in the editor. These allow us to observe the values of variables determining state of our program.

But what about images? How do we observe image content during debug? Usually the functions like imwrite or imshow are injected into code to spy over a certain image. But this approach has obvious drawback: it requires program rebuild to observe an image for which we don't have such instructions. In this article a tool is described allowing to view image content in the same way the usual variables are sought.

NativeViewer_screenshot_x0.5.png - Screenshot (124.7 kB) Mikhail Matrosov, 2012-08-22 09:33 pm