
Version 3 (Vadim Pisarevsky, 2014-01-11 10:28 pm)

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h1. OpenCV Contributors 
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(if you noticed that some names are missing, please mail to a [email protected])
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Original OpenCV committee (vision, functionality proposals etc.):
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 |  *Title*  | *Name*  | *Current Position* |
8 1
 |  Prof.        |  Gary Bradski     |  Stanford University, Willow Garage |
9 1
 |  Prof.        |  Trevor Darrell   |  UC Berkeley |
10 1
 |  Prof.        |  Irfan Essa       |  Georgia Institute of Technology|
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 |  Prof.        |  Jitendra Malik   |  UC Berkeley|
12 1
 |  Prof.        |  Pietro Perona    |  Caltech|
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 |  Prof.        |  Stan Sclaroff    |  Boston University|
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 |  Prof.        |  Carlo Tomasi     |  Duke University|
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*OpenCV Corporate Contributors*
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| *Company* | *Contribution* |
19 1
|  "Intel": | OpenCV origination,  years of programming support |
20 1
|  "Google": |  Image wrapper class cvwimage |
21 1
|  "Willow Garage": | Supporting current core programming team |
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|  "Phase Space": | Bundle adjustment |
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*OpenCV Individual Contributors*
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| *Name* |      *Company* (by the moment of contribution) | *Remarks* |
29 1
| Abrosimov, Dmitry |   Intel Corp. |    Optimization, Eigen objects |
30 1
| Alekseev, Aleksey |   Intel Corp. |    IppCV testing |
31 1
| Asbach, Mark |   RWTH Aachen University |    New-style Linux makefiles, SWIG wrappers, Mac OS X porting |
32 1
| Baksheev, Anatoly |      Itseez |          GPU module, CMake support for OpenCV, Spin Images |
33 1
| Benoit, Alexandre |      LISTIC lab |          Retina model |
34 1
| Blanco, Jose Luis |      Universidad de Malaga, Spain |  CMake support for OpenCV; added cvLinearPolar, multiple bug reports and misc. patches |
35 1
| Boldyrev, Sergey |      Intel Corp. |       rpm spec & linux makefiles |
36 1
| Bornet, Olivier |      IDIAP Research Institute | New-style Linux makefiles, SWIG & specialized Python wrappers |
37 1
| Bouguet, Jean-Yves |      Intel Corp. |         Algorithms for Camera calibration, calibration toolbox for MATLAB, LK in pyramids ... |
38 1
| Bovyrin, Alexander |      Intel Corp. |         Contours, Stereo, Improvements in object detection, blobtrack/vs module in cvaux |
39 1
| Bowman, James |      Willow Garage Inc. |       Latex-based OpenCV documentation, the new-style Python wrappers opencvpython, a lot of QA work. |
40 1
| Bradski, Gary |      Intel Corp., Willow Garage Inc. | Idea and Vision, Leading, Promotion, the OpenCV book. Also, CAMSHIFT & MHI algorithms, Codebook background/foreground subtraction etc. |
41 1
| Bradley, David |      Princeton Univ. |         Haar classifier for profile faces |
42 1
| Breen, Ed |      ??? |         EiC intepreter, used for Hawk |
43 1
| Burenkov, Denis |      Moscow State Uni |         Contour morphing, several demo scripts |
44 1
| Butko, Nicolas | ??? | HighGUI Cocoa Backend |
45 1
| Calonder, Michael | Germany | Calonder detector |
46 1
| Castrillon-Santana Modesto | IUSIANI, Spain | Haarcascades for facial feature detection |
47 1
| Cherepanova, Tatiana |   Novosibirsk University |    Face tracking |
48 1
| Cherepennikov, Valery |  Intel Corp. |         Optimization, matrices, estimators (Kalman, ConDensation) and more ... |
49 1
| Chudinovich, Boris |  Intel Corp. |         Ideas and algorithms on contours and comp. geometry functions |
50 1
| Cohen, Andre | ??? | HighGUI QTKit backend |
51 1
| Conbere, Morgan |    ??? |         Image I/O on MacOSX |
52 1
| Cowperthwaite, David |   Intel Corp. |         3d Tracker |
53 1
| Dadgostar, Farhad |    ??? |         Adaptive Skin Detector, Fuzzy [[MeanShift]] Tracker |
54 1
| Dalal, Navneet | ["Page":|Home] | 
55 1
| Davies, Bob |    Intel Corp. |         First OpenCV installation program, communications with user group, tech. advisor |
56 1
| Delacour, Xavier |    [[PhaseSpace]] Inc. |         Octave bindings, KD trees/BBF and LSH search, some Video I/O components for highgui |
57 1
| Devernay, Frederic |    INRIA (?) |         Multiple patches for OpenCV (cvcam, cxcore, cv, highgui). |
58 1
| Dimashova, Maria |    Itseez |         [[TrainCascade]] application, the new object detection class cv::CascadeClassifier, Extremely Random Trees in MLL, a lot of optimization and QA work on MLL and Features2D. |
59 1
| Don Murray |    [[PointGrey]] |          [[PointGrey]] SDK and patches for stereo gesture recognition code |
60 1
| Dubey, Premnath |    ??? |          Patch for cvcam (Windows version) |
61 1
| Eaton, Daniel |    ??? |          Texture descriptors code |
62 1
| Eruhimov, Victor |    Intel Corp., Itseez |          Hough & distance transforms, stereo, Hawk, HighGUI, One-way descriptor and more ... |
63 1
| Fabri, Stefano | Univ. of Rome | HighGUI gstreamer backend |
64 1
| Filip, Daniel |    Google Inc. |          cv::wImage* template image classes |
65 1
| Gaspard Breton |    France Telecom |          Support for multiple cameras (2,3,4) in [[SyncFilter]] and cvcam |
66 1
| Grachev, Ilya |    Intel Corp. |          TCL/TK demos (cvlkdemo, cvcsdemo, cvenv) |
67 1
| Gruebele, Philip |    ??? |          Multiple patches for OpenCV |
68 1
| Guhring, Philipp |    ??? |          Single-object mode in cvHaarDetectObjects |
69 1
| Hafeneger, Stefan |    ??? |          Some 3D & Calibration related functionality |
70 1
| Halsall, Chris |    Open Source Solutions Inc |  O-Reilly papers on OpenCV, calibration app for Linux, patches for Linux version |
71 1
| Hameed, Shameem |    University of Michigan |    Haar classifiers for eye detection |
72 1
| Hasler, Nils |    Max Planck Institut |    16-bit images support, Jasper and OpenEXR bindings in HighGUI |
73 1
| Jacobsen, Jostein |    NTNU |    Hartley/Sturm correction |
74 1
| Kamaev, Andrey | Itseez | Android Port Improvements & Optimization |
75 1
| Karasev, Peter | Georgia Tech | Helped with Android Port |
76 1
| Kertesz, Csaba |    - |    v4l2 interface, bugfixes at almost every area |
77 1
| Khamenya, Valery |    BioVisioN AG |    OpenCV CVS repository at [[SourceForge]] |
78 1
| Khudyakov, Vasily |    Novosibirsk University |    Face feature detection |
79 1
| Krivakin, Konstantin | ??? | TBB parallelization of ML |
80 1
| Kruppa, Hannes |    ETH Zurich |    Haar classifier for fullbody, lowerbody, upperbody detection. |
81 1
| Kuranov, Alexander |    Intel Corp. |    Matlab wrappers, face detection code, haartraining and related applications |
82 1
| Kuriakin, Valery |    Intel Corp. |    Started OpenCV project in Nizhny Novrogod Lab |
83 1
| Kosov, Sergey    | MPI Informatik |    Variational Stereo Correspondence Algorithm |
84 1
| Lienhart, Rainer |    Intel Corp. |    Haar feature-based face detection algorithm and the original code; Self-similarity features. |
85 1
| Liu Liu |    ??? |    SURF, Spill trees, MSERs |
86 1
| Lantz, Philip |    Intel Corp. |    3d Tracker |
87 1
| Lundin, Magnus |    ??? |    Patches and new functionality for Linux version of highgui |
88 1
| Lysenkov, Ilya |    Itseez. |    Circle grid detector. Bug fixes. |
89 1
| Mihelich, Patrick | Willow Garage | Innumerable patches |
90 1
| Molinov, Sergey |    Intel Corp., Itseez |    HMM face recognition code, POSIT, snakes,  optical flow, improved face detection, stereo, bundle adjustment and more ... |
91 1
| Mordvitsev, Alexander |    Saint-Petersburg Univ. |    Python samples |
92 1
| Morozov, Andrey | Itseez |    Buildbot, build scripts; multi-threaded FFMPEG support |
93 1
| Mosyagin, Valery |    Intel Corp. |    View morphing, camera calibration code v.1, fundamental matrix estimation |
94 1
| Muehlmann, Karsten |    Lehrstuhl fur Informatik V | 3D stereo correspondence algorithm (not included yet) |
95 1
| Muja, Marius |    Willow Garage Inc. |    FLANN bindings |
96 1
| Nefian, Ara |    Intel Corp. |    Algorithm for HMM face recognition |
97 1
| Oblomov, Sergey |    Intel Corp. |    Camshift and histogram code, linux scripts and makefiles, optimization and more ... |
98 1
| Pantofaru, Caroline |    Willow Garage Inc. |    Latex-based OpenCV documentation |
99 1
| Pele, Ofir | Hebrew U | Fast EMD, New Chi-Sqr histogram matching |
100 1
| Perreault, Simon |    Universite Laval |    O(1) Median filtering algorithm |
101 1
| Philomin, Vasanth |    PHILIPS (?) |    Several bug reports/fixes on face detection etc. |
102 1
| Pisarevsky, Vadim |    Intel Corp., Itseez |    OpenCV hacker :) |
103 1
| Pleskov, Alexander |    Intel Corp. |    Pyramidal segmentation, gesture recognition code, comp. geometry functions |
104 1
| Rabaud, Vincent | Video Surf | Homography to rotation conversion. Corner orientation, optmizations |
105 1
| Rodyushkin, Konstantin | Intel Corp. |    applications OpenCV to 3dFace caused a few bug reports, functionality proposals, blobtrack/vs module in cvaux |
106 1
| Rosten, Edward |    Univ. of Cambridge |    FAST corner detector |
107 1
| Rublee, Ethan |  Self | Android port, further development of FAST and BRIEF |
108 1
| Schaefer, Dirk |    MD-Mathematische Dienste GmbH | original code for Bayer->RGB pattern conversion |
109 1
| Schiele, Bernt |    ETH Zurich |    Haar classifier for fullbody, lowerbody, upperbody detection. |
110 1
| Shavit, Adi |    ??? |    OpenCV forum moderation, OpenCV logo |
111 1
| Shevtsova, Irina |    Moscow State Uni |    EM, Bayesian classifier, Random Trees, CNN in Machine Learning module; SVM enhancements |
112 2 Vadim Pisarevsky
| Shishkov, Alexander | Itseez |    Buildbot, build scripts, OpenCV infrastructure |
113 1
| Shiqi Yu |    Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology |  Haar cascades for eye detection. The author of the world-first book on OpenCV (in Chinese) and the translator to Chinese of the OReilly OpenCV book. |
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| Sobolev, Andrey |    Moscow State Uni |    Contour skeletons and linear-contour model |
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| Spizhevoy, Alexey |      Itseez |          Stitching application |
116 1
| Stanchak, Roman |    Naval Research Lab |    Multiple improvements in Highgui (GTK+), Python wrappers and the core functionality |
117 1
| Stavinzky, Jay |    ??? |    8u->8u L1 Distance transform. |
118 1
| Toderici, George |    ??? |    Floating-point bilateral filter |
119 1
| Veretennikov, Eugene |  Intel Corp. |    Testing, some comp. geometry functions |
120 1
| Vezhnevets, Vladimir |  MSU Graphics and Media Lab | New algorithm for chessboard detection |
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| Zajko, Marian | Ximea | Ximea cameras support |
122 1
| Zaguskin, Victor |  Intel Corp. |    cvcam, vmdemo in tcl/tk |
123 1
| Watson, Theodore | ??? | videoInput author |
124 1
| Wayne W. Cheng |  [[SoftIntegration]] |    Ch C/C++ intepreter, OpenCV Ch toolbox |
125 1
| Wood, Travis |  ??? |    Patches for highgui (video capturing in Linux) |
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OpenCV includes (or included in the past) modified versions of the following software:
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 * Gaussian Random Number Generator by George Marsaglia et al. (see cxcore/src/cxrand.cpp)
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 * SVD from SLATEC (see cxcore/src/cxsvd.cpp)
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 * Small inline math functions and macros by Agner Fog, Bruce Holloway et al., Ken Turkowski (see cxcore/include/cxtypes.h)
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 * Quicksort implementation from University of California, Berkeley (see cxcore/include/cxoperations.hpp)
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 * Earth Mover Distance and RGB->Lab conversion by Yossi Rubner (see src/cv/cvemd.cpp and src/cv/cvcolor.cpp)
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Active OpenCV forum participants, bug reporters etc.:
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 * Barbaresi, Abramo Betti, Gabriele Cao, Ning Cawkwell, Jack Chen, Gen-Nan Cheng, Michael Fritz, Frank Grossman, Dave Iannizotto, Giancarlo Lu, Le Kunz, Clay Mellor, J. P. Ming, Li Zayed, Mohamed Rocha, Jairo Stewart, James Andr Small, Daniel Zivkovic, Zoran
141 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
142 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
h3. Git log after the "atomic bomb" commit
143 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
144 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
Status of the @'master'@ branch in July 2013. 
145 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
146 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
147 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
  1283	Andrey Kamaev
148 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
  1154	Vadim Pisarevsky
149 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   775	Vladislav Vinogradov
150 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   509	Alexey Spizhevoy
151 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   398	Maria Dimashova
152 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   359	marina.kolpakova
153 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   315	Alexander Smorkalov
154 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   292	Andrey Pavlenko
155 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   239	Anatoly Baksheev
156 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   229	Alexander Shishkov
157 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   169	Ilya Lysenkov
158 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   150	yao
159 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   139	Kirill Kornyakov
160 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   138	Alexander Mordvintsev
161 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   129	Gary Bradski
162 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
   124	Marina Kolpakova
163 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    99	Andrey Morozov
164 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    94	Ethan Rublee
165 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    81	Alexander Reshetnikov
166 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    78	peng xiao
167 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    72	Ana Huaman
168 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    71	Yannick Verdie
169 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    61	Leonid Beynenson
170 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    51	Ilya Lavrenov
171 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    49	Roman Donchenko
172 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    47	Elena Fedotova
173 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    41	Alexandre Benoit
174 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    40	Vincent Rabaud
175 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    39	Daniil Osokin
176 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    39	Victor Erukhimov
177 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    39	James Bowman
178 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    33	alexandre benoit
179 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    32	Philipp Wagner
180 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    29	Vsevolod Glumov
181 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    27	Marius Muja
182 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    27	Bernat Gabor
183 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    23	Vladimir Dudnik
184 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    21	Ivan Korolev
185 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    19	Stefano Fabri
186 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    18	itsyplen
187 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    16	Anna Kogan
188 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    15	Alexander Mordvintesv
189 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    15	Alexander Kapustin
190 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    14	Jason Newton
191 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    14	Evgeny Talanin
192 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    13	Anton Obukhov
193 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    13	Andy Maloney
194 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    13	Peng Xiao
195 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    12	LeonidBeynenson
196 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    11	niko
197 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    10	Suenghoon Park
198 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    10	Yury Zemlyanskiy
199 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
    10	Alexey Kazakov
200 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     9	OpenCV Buildbot
201 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     9	AoD314
202 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     8	Oleg Sklyarov
203 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     7	Nils Hasler
204 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     7	Eric Christiansen
205 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     7	alegarda
206 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     6	Sergei Nosov
207 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     6	abidrahmank
208 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     6	Bo Li
209 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     6	Jose Luis Blanco
210 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	alex77git
211 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	P. Druzhkov
212 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	kobigurk
213 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	Patrick Mihelich
214 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	Dominik Rose
215 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	Dirk Van Haerenborgh
216 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	berak
217 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	alexey.spizhevoy
218 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	Kevin Hughes
219 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	Gurpinder Singh Sandhu
220 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     5	Alexey Polovinkin
221 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     4	Alexander
222 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     4	Victor Passichenko
223 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     4	Sam Bromley
224 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     4	Brian Gerkey
225 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     4	Sergiu Dotenco
226 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     4	Leszek Swirski
227 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     4	salmanulhaq
228 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     4	Gabe Schwartz
229 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	gpsinghsandhu
230 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	Artem Myagkov
231 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	kencoken
232 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	NikoKJ
233 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	Oscar Deniz Suarez
234 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	Valentina Kustikova
235 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	Artanis
236 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	Patrick Welche
237 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	Evgeniy Kozinov
238 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	poiuytrez
239 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	Victoria Zhislina
240 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	Markus Schoeler
241 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	bitwangyaoyao
242 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     3	Filipe Almeida
243 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Ryan Rawson
244 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	jmbuena
245 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	ericgreveson
246 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	daniil.osokin
247 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	cuda_geek
248 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Jacob Baines
249 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Jonathan Bohren
250 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Alexander Bohn / FI$H2k
251 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Zifei Tong
252 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Liu Liu
253 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Malcolm Reynolds
254 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Dustin Spicuzza
255 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Vikas Dhiman
256 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Misty De Meo
257 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Moshe Kaplan
258 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Charles Otto
259 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Pastafarianist
260 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Peter Minin
261 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Roy Reapor
262 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Siegfried Hochdorfer
263 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Siva Prasad Varma
264 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     2	Daniil-Osokin
265 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Éric Piel
266 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Abid K
267 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Amro
268 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Andrew Senin
269 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Brian McKinnon
270 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Corentin Wallez
271 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Dong Nguyen
272 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Egbert van der Wal
273 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Eugene Gritskevich
274 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Fabrice Silva
275 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Frédéric Devernay
276 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Georgios Evangelidis
277 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Haoxiang Li
278 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	IanVS
279 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Jan Machacek
280 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Jin Ma
281 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Jordi Villar
282 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Josh Doe
283 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Justin Muncaster
284 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
285 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Karl-Heinz Zimmer
286 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Kazuki MATSUDA
287 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Kevin
288 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Konstantin Bezruk
289 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Luis Díaz Más
290 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Martin Baeum
291 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	NCBee
292 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Niels Gerlif Myrtue
293 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Niko
294 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Niko Li
295 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	P. Karasev
296 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Pablo Speciale
297 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	ShengyinWu
298 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Stefan Romberg
299 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Stefan Walk
300 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Stephen Fox
301 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Takahiro Horikawa
302 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Uwe Kindler
303 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Xavier Delacour
304 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	andrey.kamaev
305 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	askforeric
306 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	caorong
307 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	dave
308 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	gferry
309 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	hartmut
310 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	hgaspar
311 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	jackculpepper
312 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	kir
313 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	mdim
314 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	mikle
315 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	morozov.andrey
316 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	noob
317 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	ograycode
318 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	saskathex
319 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	takacsd
320 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	tim36272
321 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	vlad
322 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	vpisarev
323 3 Vadim Pisarevsky
     1	Abhinav Gupta
324 3 Vadim Pisarevsky