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Vadim Pisarevsky, 2014-01-11 10:28 pm
OpenCV Contributors¶
(if you noticed that some names are missing, please mail to a [email protected])
Original OpenCV committee (vision, functionality proposals etc.):
Title | Name | Current Position |
Prof. | Gary Bradski | Stanford University, Willow Garage |
Prof. | Trevor Darrell | UC Berkeley |
Prof. | Irfan Essa | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Prof. | Jitendra Malik | UC Berkeley |
Prof. | Pietro Perona | Caltech |
Prof. | Stan Sclaroff | Boston University |
Prof. | Carlo Tomasi | Duke University |
Company | Contribution |
Intel | OpenCV origination, years of programming support |
Image wrapper class cvwimage | |
Willow Garage | Supporting current core programming team |
Phase Space | Bundle adjustment |
OpenCV Individual Contributors
Name | Company (by the moment of contribution) | Remarks |
Abrosimov, Dmitry | Intel Corp. | Optimization, Eigen objects |
Alekseev, Aleksey | Intel Corp. | IppCV testing |
Asbach, Mark | RWTH Aachen University | New-style Linux makefiles, SWIG wrappers, Mac OS X porting |
Baksheev, Anatoly | Itseez | GPU module, CMake support for OpenCV, Spin Images |
Benoit, Alexandre | LISTIC lab | Retina model |
Blanco, Jose Luis | Universidad de Malaga, Spain | CMake support for OpenCV; added cvLinearPolar, multiple bug reports and misc. patches |
Boldyrev, Sergey | Intel Corp. | rpm spec & linux makefiles |
Bornet, Olivier | IDIAP Research Institute | New-style Linux makefiles, SWIG & specialized Python wrappers |
Bouguet, Jean-Yves | Intel Corp. | Algorithms for Camera calibration, calibration toolbox for MATLAB, LK in pyramids ... |
Bovyrin, Alexander | Intel Corp. | Contours, Stereo, Improvements in object detection, blobtrack/vs module in cvaux |
Bowman, James | Willow Garage Inc. | Latex-based OpenCV documentation, the new-style Python wrappers opencvpython, a lot of QA work. |
Bradski, Gary | Intel Corp., Willow Garage Inc. | Idea and Vision, Leading, Promotion, the OpenCV book. Also, CAMSHIFT & MHI algorithms, Codebook background/foreground subtraction etc. |
Bradley, David | Princeton Univ. | Haar classifier for profile faces |
Breen, Ed | ??? | EiC intepreter, used for Hawk |
Burenkov, Denis | Moscow State Uni | Contour morphing, several demo scripts |
Butko, Nicolas | ??? | HighGUI Cocoa Backend |
Calonder, Michael | Germany | Calonder detector |
Castrillon-Santana Modesto | IUSIANI, Spain | Haarcascades for facial feature detection |
Cherepanova, Tatiana | Novosibirsk University | Face tracking |
Cherepennikov, Valery | Intel Corp. | Optimization, matrices, estimators (Kalman, ConDensation) and more ... |
Chudinovich, Boris | Intel Corp. | Ideas and algorithms on contours and comp. geometry functions |
Cohen, Andre | ??? | HighGUI QTKit backend |
Conbere, Morgan | ??? | Image I/O on MacOSX |
Cowperthwaite, David | Intel Corp. | 3d Tracker |
Dadgostar, Farhad | ??? | Adaptive Skin Detector, Fuzzy MeanShift Tracker |
Dalal, Navneet | [Page | Home] |
Davies, Bob | Intel Corp. | First OpenCV installation program, communications with user group, tech. advisor |
Delacour, Xavier | PhaseSpace Inc. | Octave bindings, KD trees/BBF and LSH search, some Video I/O components for highgui |
Devernay, Frederic | INRIA (?) | Multiple patches for OpenCV (cvcam, cxcore, cv, highgui). |
Dimashova, Maria | Itseez | TrainCascade application, the new object detection class cv::CascadeClassifier, Extremely Random Trees in MLL, a lot of optimization and QA work on MLL and Features2D. |
Don Murray | PointGrey | PointGrey SDK and patches for stereo gesture recognition code |
Dubey, Premnath | ??? | Patch for cvcam (Windows version) |
Eaton, Daniel | ??? | Texture descriptors code |
Eruhimov, Victor | Intel Corp., Itseez | Hough & distance transforms, stereo, Hawk, HighGUI, One-way descriptor and more ... |
Fabri, Stefano | Univ. of Rome | HighGUI gstreamer backend |
Filip, Daniel | Google Inc. | cv::wImage* template image classes |
Gaspard Breton | France Telecom | Support for multiple cameras (2,3,4) in SyncFilter and cvcam |
Grachev, Ilya | Intel Corp. | TCL/TK demos (cvlkdemo, cvcsdemo, cvenv) |
Gruebele, Philip | ??? | Multiple patches for OpenCV |
Guhring, Philipp | ??? | Single-object mode in cvHaarDetectObjects |
Hafeneger, Stefan | ??? | Some 3D & Calibration related functionality |
Halsall, Chris | Open Source Solutions Inc | O-Reilly papers on OpenCV, calibration app for Linux, patches for Linux version |
Hameed, Shameem | University of Michigan | Haar classifiers for eye detection |
Hasler, Nils | Max Planck Institut | 16-bit images support, Jasper and OpenEXR bindings in HighGUI |
Jacobsen, Jostein | NTNU | Hartley/Sturm correction |
Kamaev, Andrey | Itseez | Android Port Improvements & Optimization |
Karasev, Peter | Georgia Tech | Helped with Android Port |
Kertesz, Csaba | - | v4l2 interface, bugfixes at almost every area |
Khamenya, Valery | BioVisioN AG | OpenCV CVS repository at SourceForge |
Khudyakov, Vasily | Novosibirsk University | Face feature detection |
Krivakin, Konstantin | ??? | TBB parallelization of ML |
Kruppa, Hannes | ETH Zurich | Haar classifier for fullbody, lowerbody, upperbody detection. |
Kuranov, Alexander | Intel Corp. | Matlab wrappers, face detection code, haartraining and related applications |
Kuriakin, Valery | Intel Corp. | Started OpenCV project in Nizhny Novrogod Lab |
Kosov, Sergey | MPI Informatik | Variational Stereo Correspondence Algorithm |
Lienhart, Rainer | Intel Corp. | Haar feature-based face detection algorithm and the original code; Self-similarity features. |
Liu Liu | ??? | SURF, Spill trees, MSERs |
Lantz, Philip | Intel Corp. | 3d Tracker |
Lundin, Magnus | ??? | Patches and new functionality for Linux version of highgui |
Lysenkov, Ilya | Itseez. | Circle grid detector. Bug fixes. |
Mihelich, Patrick | Willow Garage | Innumerable patches |
Molinov, Sergey | Intel Corp., Itseez | HMM face recognition code, POSIT, snakes, optical flow, improved face detection, stereo, bundle adjustment and more ... |
Mordvitsev, Alexander | Saint-Petersburg Univ. | Python samples |
Morozov, Andrey | Itseez | Buildbot, build scripts; multi-threaded FFMPEG support |
Mosyagin, Valery | Intel Corp. | View morphing, camera calibration code v.1, fundamental matrix estimation |
Muehlmann, Karsten | Lehrstuhl fur Informatik V | 3D stereo correspondence algorithm (not included yet) |
Muja, Marius | Willow Garage Inc. | FLANN bindings |
Nefian, Ara | Intel Corp. | Algorithm for HMM face recognition |
Oblomov, Sergey | Intel Corp. | Camshift and histogram code, linux scripts and makefiles, optimization and more ... |
Pantofaru, Caroline | Willow Garage Inc. | Latex-based OpenCV documentation |
Pele, Ofir | Hebrew U | Fast EMD, New Chi-Sqr histogram matching |
Perreault, Simon | Universite Laval | O(1) Median filtering algorithm |
Philomin, Vasanth | PHILIPS (?) | Several bug reports/fixes on face detection etc. |
Pisarevsky, Vadim | Intel Corp., Itseez | OpenCV hacker :) |
Pleskov, Alexander | Intel Corp. | Pyramidal segmentation, gesture recognition code, comp. geometry functions |
Rabaud, Vincent | Video Surf | Homography to rotation conversion. Corner orientation, optmizations |
Rodyushkin, Konstantin | Intel Corp. | applications OpenCV to 3dFace caused a few bug reports, functionality proposals, blobtrack/vs module in cvaux |
Rosten, Edward | Univ. of Cambridge | FAST corner detector |
Rublee, Ethan | Self | Android port, further development of FAST and BRIEF |
Schaefer, Dirk | MD-Mathematische Dienste GmbH | original code for Bayer->RGB pattern conversion |
Schiele, Bernt | ETH Zurich | Haar classifier for fullbody, lowerbody, upperbody detection. |
Shavit, Adi | ??? | OpenCV forum moderation, OpenCV logo |
Shevtsova, Irina | Moscow State Uni | EM, Bayesian classifier, Random Trees, CNN in Machine Learning module; SVM enhancements |
Shishkov, Alexander | Itseez | Buildbot, build scripts |
Shiqi Yu | Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology | Haar cascades for eye detection. The author of the world-first book on OpenCV (in Chinese) and the translator to Chinese of the OReilly OpenCV book. |
Sobolev, Andrey | Moscow State Uni | Contour skeletons and linear-contour model |
Spizhevoy, Alexey | Itseez | Stitching application |
Stanchak, Roman | Naval Research Lab | Multiple improvements in Highgui (GTK+), Python wrappers and the core functionality |
Stavinzky, Jay | ??? | 8u->8u L1 Distance transform. |
Toderici, George | ??? | Floating-point bilateral filter |
Veretennikov, Eugene | Intel Corp. | Testing, some comp. geometry functions |
Vezhnevets, Vladimir | MSU Graphics and Media Lab | New algorithm for chessboard detection |
Zajko, Marian | Ximea | Ximea cameras support |
Zaguskin, Victor | Intel Corp. | cvcam, vmdemo in tcl/tk |
Watson, Theodore | ??? | videoInput author |
Wayne W. Cheng | SoftIntegration | Ch C/C++ intepreter, OpenCV Ch toolbox |
Wood, Travis | ??? | Patches for highgui (video capturing in Linux) |
OpenCV includes (or included in the past) modified versions of the following software:
- Gaussian Random Number Generator by George Marsaglia et al. (see cxcore/src/cxrand.cpp)
- SVD from SLATEC (see cxcore/src/cxsvd.cpp)
- Small inline math functions and macros by Agner Fog, Bruce Holloway et al., Ken Turkowski (see cxcore/include/cxtypes.h)
- Quicksort implementation from University of California, Berkeley (see cxcore/include/cxoperations.hpp)
- Earth Mover Distance and RGB->Lab conversion by Yossi Rubner (see src/cv/cvemd.cpp and src/cv/cvcolor.cpp)
Active OpenCV forum participants, bug reporters etc.:
- Barbaresi, Abramo Betti, Gabriele Cao, Ning Cawkwell, Jack Chen, Gen-Nan Cheng, Michael Fritz, Frank Grossman, Dave Iannizotto, Giancarlo Lu, Le Kunz, Clay Mellor, J. P. Ming, Li Zayed, Mohamed Rocha, Jairo Stewart, James Andr Small, Daniel Zivkovic, Zoran