BackgroundSubtractorGMG missing from Python bindings (Bug #4411)
Only KNN and MOG2 are present in Python2 bindings, haven't checked Python3 but I would expect it's missing from there too.
Updated by be rak over 9 years ago
this is not a bug, both were moved to
once you integrate that into your main opencv repo, (cmake, make, make install), you will find them in cv2.bgsegm:
>>> help(cv2.bgsegm) Help on module cv2.bgsegm in cv2: NAME cv2.bgsegm FILE (built-in) FUNCTIONS createBackgroundSubtractorGMG(...) createBackgroundSubtractorGMG([, initializationFrames[, decisionThreshol d]]) -> retval createBackgroundSubtractorMOG(...) createBackgroundSubtractorMOG([, history[, nmixtures[, backgroundRatio[, noiseSigma]]]]) -> retval
Updated by joe minichino over 9 years ago
awesome, thank you! It was there all along just didn't notice it was in bgsegm.
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