Unable to build the last OpenCV release (Bug #4247)

Added by Erivaldo Fernandes almost 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Status:Cancelled Start date:2015-03-20
Priority:Low Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:3.1
Affected version:branch 'master' (3.0-dev) Operating System:Windows
Difficulty:Hard HW Platform:x64
Pull request:


Dear all,

I have been trying to build the last OpenCV release from the GitHub, but it was unsuccessful.

I am using Windows 8.1 64-bit with MingW 4.8. I am able to configure the build using cmake, but when I try to "make" the build it fails. The error occurs durign the opencv_core300.dll building process.

This is the error:
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lRunTmChk
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status modules\core\CMakeFiles\opencv_core.dir\build.make:1208: recipe for target 'bin/libopencv_core300.dll' failed mingw32-make2: * [bin/libopencv_core300.dll] Error 1
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:1326: recipe for target 'modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_core.dir/all' failed
[modules/core/CMakeFiles/opencv_core.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:135: recipe for target 'all' failed
mingw32-make: *
* [all] Error 2

Has anyone any idea of how to fix this problem? Thank you very much.

Related issues

duplicates Bug #3785: Compilation (installation) error of opencv at WIndows New 2014-07-01


Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky almost 10 years ago

We do not support MInGW, lowering priority of the bug

  • Priority changed from Normal to Low
  • Category set to build/install

Updated by Maksim Shabunin almost 10 years ago

Duplicate of #3785

  • Status changed from New to Cancelled
  • Target version set to 3.1

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