ffmpeg error with H264 (Bug #387)

Added by Jens Krupp over 14 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:Done Start date:
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I am working in Image Processing with HD stream and record it with vlc. The recordsettings are:
Profile: h264
RAW-Input save is selected
with avi ending

If i want to open the video file in OpenCV sometimes its working and sometimes its not working with the same simple code which only read the video and show it and i have no idea why. If its not working i get an error from opencv_ffmgeg211d.dll. I attached the reports of the working and the not working one. I also tried opencv_ffmgep210d.dll and its the same there.

Here my simple programm to read and show the videofile

#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
    //Create new Window
    cv::namedWindow("Scene", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );

    //Input data
    cv::VideoCapture capture("../data/test2.avi");
    if(!capture.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded
        return -1;

    cv::Mat frame;

        capture >> frame;
        cv::imshow( "Scene", frame );

FFMPEG_Error.txt - NOT Working output (10.9 kB) Jens Krupp, 2010-06-17 09:28 am

FFMPEG_OK.txt - Working output (12.7 kB) Jens Krupp, 2010-06-17 09:29 am

Associated revisions

Revision fe30da6e
Added by Marina Kolpakova about 12 years ago

Merge pull request #387 from taka-no-me:fix_dshow_fourcc_conversion


Updated by guan-jhih chen over 14 years ago

Meet the same problem,too!
It can work in windows vista, but crashed in winxp.

Updated by Jens Krupp over 14 years ago

Replying to [comment:1 littlefree]:
I use win7 which is similar to vista and it crash.
I think its not a OS problem.

Updated by Jens Krupp over 14 years ago

FIXED: with opencv update to ffmpeg 0.6 the files are working.
Thank you very much

  • Status changed from Open to Done
  • (deleted custom field) set to fixed

Updated by Andrey Kamaev over 12 years ago

  • Category changed from highgui-images to highgui-video

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