pckconfig is wack on Linux (FC16), with IPP (Bug #3856)
Here's what I get after an install from source:
[dmcnamara]$ pkg-config --libs-only-l opencv
-llibippcoreem64t.a -llibippsemergedem64t.a -llibippsmergedem64t.a -llibippiemergedem64t.a -llibippimergedem64t.a -llibippcvemergedem64t.a -llibippcvmergedem64t.a -llibippccemergedem64t.a -llibippccmergedem64t.a -llibippvmemergedem64t.a -llibippvmmergedem64t.a -lrt -lpthread -lm -ldl
These are incorrect, it should just be "-lippcoreem64t -lippsemergedem64t ...",
plus it doesn't have the flags for the opencv libraries themselves
Overall, the .pc file is messed up -- the Libs line should contain the "-L" and "-l" directives, not the full paths to the resulting libraries.
Updated by David McNamara over 10 years ago
Sorry that I posted this in the wrong place.
- Status changed from New to Cancelled