Logical flaw in OpenCV 2.4.8 SIFT implementation (Bug #3585)
sig[0] = sigma; double k = pow( 2., 1. / nOctaveLayers ); for( int i = 1; i < nOctaveLayers + 3; i++ ) { double sig_prev = pow(k, (double)(i-1))*sigma; double sig_total = sig_prev*k; sig[i] = std::sqrt(sig_total*sig_total - sig_prev*sig_prev); }
however I tested the logic by using nOctaveLayers = 2 (which is chosen for the ease of calculation), the result of the sigma values are listed below according to the logic of the code: But shouldn't it be:
In order to make sure my understanding is correct, I looked up some lecture notes, it turns out my understanding is correct according to this link: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ee225b/sp11/lectures/sift_Final.ppt
Updated by Dinar Ahmatnurov about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Open
- Difficulty changed from Easy to Medium
Updated by Chris Garry almost 11 years ago
Could I take this on?
Updated by Chris Garry almost 11 years ago
Those "sig" values are NOT the "sigmas" at each level like you think they are, but are the 'incremental' sigma values needed to attain the sigmas you are thinking of. So, the sigma value at level i is actually sig_total, and the sigma value at level i-1 is sig_prev, such that:
sig_total = sig_prev (*) sig[i] (convolution)
[1] Add the following print statement to the code in the for loop to see what I mean:
printf("Sigma[%d]=%f (sigma at level %d), Sigma[%d]=%f (sigma at level %d), Incremental sigma used to get from %d to %d: sig[%d]=%f\n",i-1,sig_prev,i-1,i,sig_total,i,i-1,i,i,sig[i]);
[2] Run the unit tests and you will see printed (note unit tests are using k=cbrt(2) rather than sqrt(2)):
Sigma0=1.600000 (sigma at level 0), Sigma1=2.015874 (sigma at level 1), Incremental sigma used to get from 0 to 1: sig1=1.226273
Sigma1=2.015874 (sigma at level 1), Sigma2=2.539842 (sigma at level 2), Incremental sigma used to get from 1 to 2: sig2=1.545008
Sigma2=2.539842 (sigma at level 2), Sigma3=3.200000 (sigma at level 3), Incremental sigma used to get from 2 to 3: sig3=1.946588
Sigma3=3.200000 (sigma at level 3), Sigma4=4.031747 (sigma at level 4), Incremental sigma used to get from 3 to 4: sig4=2.452547
Sigma4=4.031747 (sigma at level 4), Sigma5=5.079683 (sigma at level 5), Incremental sigma used to get from 4 to 5: sig5=3.090016
The reason it is like this is to keep the gaussian kernel small by keeping tracking of incremental sigma values needed to get from level i-1 to i rather than the entire sigma. It's for efficiency purposes.
- Status changed from Open to Cancelled