Unable to open some *.avi files (Bug #3455)

Added by Virgil Stokes about 11 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Status:Open Start date:2013-12-23
Priority:High Due date:
Assignee:Vadim Pisarevsky % Done:


Category:python bindings
Target version:-
Affected version:2.4.0 - 2.4.7 Operating System:Windows
Difficulty: HW Platform:x86
Pull request:


Platform: Windows Vista 32-bit, Python 2.7.5, OpenCV

Here is a code snippet that illustrates the bug:

import cv2
path = 'D:/Videos/'             # path to the following *.avi file
video = 'toy_plane_liftoff.avi' # http://cinelerra.org/footage/
vid = cv2.VideoCapture(path+video)
result = vid.isOpened()
print result

[result returns False for this avi]

No errors are generated but this avi does not open. However, it does open and display in Windows media player, VLC, mplayer, etc. Note, this is a short, test avi that can be downloaded from the link given in the comment.

The following link is relevant to this bug:


Updated by Evgeny Talanin about 11 years ago

  • Category set to python bindings
  • Assignee set to Vadim Pisarevsky

Updated by Anna Kogan about 11 years ago

  • Affected version changed from 2.4.7 (latest release) to 2.4.0 - 2.4.7
  • Status changed from New to Open

Updated by Maksim Shabunin over 9 years ago

Issue has been transferred to GitHub: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/issues/4668

Also available in: Atom PDF