decomposeEssentialMat() always return normalized T (Bug #3423)
It seems decomposeEssentialMat() always returns normalized T (|T|=1.0).
T should be a transition vector, so it should have some proper length, right?
I have checked it only at python.
(It happens at recoverPose() too.)
R0,R1,T = cv2.decomposeEssentialMat(E)
R0,R1 seems to be fine.
Attached is my quick code to check that. Ple
I got the code on 2013/11/15 by
git clone git://
Updated by Nikita Manovich about 11 years ago
Thank you for the bug report. Could you please help us to investigate and fix the problem? If you can prepare a pull request to fix the problem it will help us a lot. Please look at the article:
- Assignee set to Yoshinari Kameda
- Status changed from New to Open
Updated by Bo Li about 11 years ago
Hi this is not a problem. By decomposing essential matrix, you are not able to recover the full translation but only the direction. I've sent a pr to update the doc. For the code attached: your generated E is scaled by the length of t. However, in practice when you estimate an essential or fundamental matrix, you don't have scale.
- Status changed from Open to Cancelled