Build problem on CentOs 6.4 (Bug #3310)
ffmpeg_video_source.cpp fails to build because it can't find the libavcodec.h, etc header files. On my system they are in /usr/include/ffmpeg/libavcodec, etc. Cmake ( does find the location and includes it in CXX.includecache along with a couple of invalid locations for it. Adding a -I /usr/include/ffmpeg in build.make got it to build, but it would be nice if cmake did its magic.
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #3310 from tSed:opencv-2.4/fix-gstreamer-detection
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov over 11 years ago
Well, thank you for the report, but CentOS is not in the list of officially supported OSes. OpenCV team doesn't even have CentOs workstation, so we can't reproduce the issue in order to fix it. So, it would be great if you fix the issue on your side and send the fix as a GitHub pull request.
- Target version set to Next Hackathon
- Category set to build/install
- Assignee set to David Mackay
Updated by Dinar Ahmatnurov over 11 years ago
Hi, David!
Any updates?
- Status changed from New to Open
Updated by Maksim Shabunin over 9 years ago
Issue has been transferred to GitHub: