impossible to set transition matrix for kalman filter in python (Bug #3106)
Mat transitionMatrix; //!< state transition matrix (A)
Mat processNoiseCov; //!< process noise covariance matrix (Q)
Mat measurementNoiseCov;//!< measurement noise covariance matrix (R)
all those are public members in the c++ api, but not accessible from python or java.
but to get the extended kalman functionality, it is nessecary at least to be able to set them.
looking at the generator scripts, it seems, that member vars are ignored, so a simple setter function would do the trick(for both python and java):
CV_WRAP void setTransitionMatrix( const Mat& transition ) { transitionMatrix = transition; }
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #3106 from LeszekSwirski:fix-gemm-buf-allocate
Updated by Juan Carlos Niebles over 10 years ago
I've written the interface and revived the old example.
See the following pull request:
Updated by Maksim Shabunin over 9 years ago
Issue has been transferred to GitHub: