cv.CreateMatND allocation problem (Bug #30)
As reported by Jorge Scandaliaris:
It seems as cv.CreateMatND() is not allocating memory (or something along the
line), contrary to what cv.CreateMat() does. Is this intended? I couldn't find
any warning in the docs, so I assume this is a bug, but if it isn't, how am I
supposed to use MatND from python?
Example with MatND:
In r2: import cv
In r3: import numpy as np
In r4: matnd = cv.CreateMatND((5,5),cv.CV_32FC1)
In r5: a = np.fromstring(matnd.tostring(), dtype = 'float32', count=25)
In r6: a
ViolaciĆ³n de segmento (Segmentation fault)
Now with Mat:
In r1: import cv
In r2: import numpy as np
In r3: mat = cv.CreateMat(5,5, cv.CV_32FC1)
In r4: a = np.fromstring(mat.tostring(), dtype = 'float32', count=25)
In r5: a
array([ 6.43756542e-34, 6.43760951e-34, 7.39426722e-34,
6.08832605e-34, 7.00819079e-34, 7.01185319e-34,
-1.30296248e-05, -1.30008557e-05, -1.26954692e-05,
7.15902508e-34, 7.01092749e-34, -1.30456174e-05,
-1.27425883e-05, 5.44992977e-34, 5.26212985e-34,
-1.30944827e-05, -1.30453263e-05, -1.30457047e-05,
-1.30005938e-05, -1.26384839e-05, -1.29979453e-05,
-1.29992259e-05, -1.29144173e-05, -1.26387749e-05,
-1.30708795e-05], dtype=float32)
Is there any workaround around this?
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #30 from jet47:new-gpu-demos-pack into 2.4
Updated by Jorge Scandaliaris about 15 years ago
Some more info. Further tests seem to indicate that CreateMatND() actually has allocated data, as OpenCV operations on the matrix work fine. I have working examples with histograms and ND matrices. What is not working is accessing the matrix data from python with the tostring() method. Element access works ok.
Updated by James Bowman about 15 years ago
Fixed in r2412
- Status changed from Open to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed