cv::resize does not throw exception (Bug #274)
Doing a call to cv::resize with src (not valid) image the function crash with a segmentation fault and not does not throw an exception.
A dump of the src image:
src {...}
flags 1124024336
rows 0
cols 0
step 0
data 0x00000000
refcount 0x00000000
datastart 0x00000000
dataend 0x00000000
Here is a part of my stack
Thread r1 (Suspended: Signal 'SIGSEGV' received. Description: Segmentation fault.)
36 cv::HResizeLinear<unsigned char, int, short, 2048, cv::HResizeNoVec>::operator() C:\Libs\OpenCV\trunk\src\cv\cvimgwarp.cpp:843 0x63a85d36
35 resizeGeneric_<cv::HResizeLinear<unsigned char, int, short int, 2048, cv::HResizeNoVec>, cv::VResizeLinear<unsigned char, int, short int, cv::FixedPtCast<int, unsigned char, 22>, cv::VResizeNoVec> >() C:\Libs\OpenCV\trunk\src\cv\cvimgwarp.cpp:1128 0x63a483e5
34 cv::resize() C:\Libs\OpenCV\trunk\src\cv\cvimgwarp.cpp:1595 0x639fd28f
33 test_VideoList() C:\Users\Ben\project\trunk\CvS400\advisor\test\src\test_VideoList.cpp:63 0x00407206
Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky almost 15 years ago
thanks! the problem is likely fixed in r3010
- Status changed from Open to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed