HierarchicalClusteringIndexParams in flann module (Patch #2335)
HierarchicalClusteringIndexParams is not visible from flann namespace.
We are on master branch and we modify miniflann.hpp and miniflann.cpp in order to add HierarchicalClusteringIndexParams in flann namespace.
Also we modify the constructor of LshIndexParams in miniflann.cpp because in IndexParams params are int and not unsigned.
Actually I have limited the use of FLANN_INDEX_HIERARCHICAL as FLANN_INDEX_LSH to use <HammingDistance, LshIndex>. Please let me know if we could use other index based on distType switch.
See the patch
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #2335 from jet47:gpu-alphacomp-test
Updated by Marius Muja over 12 years ago
I have applied the patch in 7236858b together with some additional code cleanup.
- Status changed from Open to Done