Matching with FREAK sample crash. (Bug #2154)
I have copied and pasted the sample of samples/cpp/freak_demo.cpp and runned it with 2 .jpg images.
OpenCV reports:
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (type src2.type() && src1.cols src2.cols &&
(type CV_32F || type CV_8U)) in unknown function, file OpenCV\modules\core\src\stat.cpp, line 1770
Updated by Andew Sabrew over 12 years ago
The code fails on
matcher.match(descriptorsA, descriptorsB, matches);
Updated by Andew Sabrew over 12 years ago
I have updated opencv and now it's working. I believe you can close this
Updated by Ramiro Oliva over 12 years ago
This bug still exists in OpenCV2Android 2.4.2 (downloadable from