cap_dshow memory leak (Patch #2053)
In modules\highgui\src\cap_dshow.cpp about line 658
2 delete pixels;
need to be changed to
2 delete [] pixels;
because 10 lines down
1pixels = new unsigned char[numBytes];
It's detected as memory leak in VS2010 with Intel XE inspector.
Associated revisions
Fixed #2053
Merge pull request #2053 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_bugfix_eqhist
Updated by Andrey Kamaev over 12 years ago
Thanks. Fixed in trunk.
- Tracker changed from Bug to Patch
- Status changed from Open to Done
- Target version set to 2.4.2
- Description changed from In modules\highgui\src\cap_dshow.cpp about line 658 if(bufferSetup)... to In modules\highgui\src\cap_dshow.cpp about line 658 <pre><code cla... More
- Assignee changed from Alexander Reshetnikov to Andrey Kamaev
Updated by Andrey Kamaev over 12 years ago
- Category changed from highgui-images to highgui-camera