OpenCV python extended interop (Feature #2001)

Added by Nikolaos Kyriazis almost 13 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Status:Cancelled Start date:2012-05-30
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Vadim Pisarevsky % Done:


Category:python bindings
Target version:2.4.1
Difficulty: Pull request:


OpenCV has python bindings that, at the moment, can only be used through python alone. However, it is very common that Computer Vision applications are authored in a rapid-prototyping environment (e.g. python) while delegating heavy stuff to native C/C++. The way that OpenCV is exposed to python now does not allow its interoperation with other CV related C/C++ native code that is also exposed in python.

To put it more clearly, a python module that is contained in a native shared library and is aware of the C/C++ native OpenCV API cannot communicate data with the cv python module because it cannot be aware of the exposition API. A proposal would be to expose the python bindings API (opencv\modules\python\src2\ so that other C/C++ code that is exposed to python can take advantage of it.

A concrete example is the following. Boost python is a very powerful mechanism for extending/embedding python to C++. CV C/C++ code can be thus exposed to python. If OpenCV is to be a common place then this C++ code should be aware of the API in opencv\modules\python\src2\ and take advangage of it by using converters ( I'm sure there's an analogy with SWIG too.

Related issues

duplicates Feature #1471: header files for python module Open


Updated by Andrey Kamaev almost 13 years ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
But this ticket is closed as exact duplicate. Please comment on #1471 if you have something to add.

  • Status changed from Open to Cancelled
  • Target version set to 2.4.1
  • Category set to python bindings
  • Assignee set to Vadim Pisarevsky

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