facedetect.py: "TypeError: 'linetype' is an invalid keyword argument for this function" (Bug #1973)
When I run samples/python2/facedetect.py, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "facedetect.py", line 56, in <module>
draw_str(vis, (20, 20), 'time: %.1f ms' % (dt*1000))
File "/root/OpenCV-2.4.0/samples/python2/common.py", line 59, in draw_str
cv2.putText(dst, s, (x+1, y+1), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (0, 0, 0), thickness = 2, linetype=cv2.CV_AA)
TypeError: 'linetype' is an invalid keyword argument for this function
The error is in common.py, and it's because "linetype" is incorrect, it should be "lineType" with a capital T.
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #1973 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_haar_sample
Updated by Steve Eight almost 13 years ago
Thanks for updating. I tried searching the Issues database before I submitted the bug, but was unable to find anything that matched. Was there a bug report on this? Thanks
Updated by Andrey Kamaev almost 13 years ago
- Target version set to 2.4.1
- Category set to python bindings
- Assignee set to Alexander Mordvintsev