Eigen2/Eigen3 include path on Windows (Patch #1869)

Added by Philippe FOUBERT almost 13 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Status:Done Start date:2012-05-01
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Andrey Kamaev % Done:


Target version:2.4.1
Affected version: Operating System:
Difficulty: HW Platform:
Pull request:


To automatically find the include path for eigen on Windows, "CMakeLists.txt" should be changed.

This can be done with the attached patch applied to the trunk (CMakeLists.txt Revision 8282).

Best regards,

Philippe FOUBERT

eigen_windows.patch - eigen include path detection on windows (1.7 kB) Philippe FOUBERT, 2012-05-01 02:59 pm

Associated revisions

Revision 28242f09
Added by Roman Donchenko over 11 years ago

Merge pull request #1869 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_cvtColor_master


Updated by Andrey Kamaev almost 13 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.4.1
  • Assignee changed from Alexander Shishkov to Andrey Kamaev

Updated by Andrey Kamaev almost 13 years ago

Thanks for the report.
Windows paths support is added in r8388

  • Status changed from Open to Done

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