checkRange() returns false negative (Bug #1783)
The test below fails for all integer types
TYPED_TEST_P(Core_CheckRange, Zero) { double min_bound = 0.; double max_bound = 0.001; cv::Mat src = cv::Mat::zeros(3,3, cv::DataDepth<TypeParam>::value); ASSERT_TRUE( checkRange(src, true, NULL, min_bound, max_bound) ); }
Associated revisions
#1783: test and fix for the bug
Merge pull request #1783 from SpecLad:cap-no-pattern
Updated by Andrey Pavlenko almost 13 years ago
- Description changed from The test below fails for all integer types TYPED_TEST_P(Core_CheckRange, Zer... to The test below fails for all integer types <pre> TYPED_TEST_P(Core_Chec... More
Updated by Andrey Pavlenko almost 13 years ago
Fixed. The root cause was a typo ('<= minVal' instead of '< minVal').
- Status changed from Open to Done