core.hpp bug (Bug #1780)

Added by Daniel Suárez almost 13 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Status:Cancelled Start date:2012-04-09
Priority:Low Due date:
Assignee:Daniel Suárez % Done:


Target version:2.4.0
Affected version: Operating System:
Difficulty: HW Platform:
Pull request:


Tengo un error cuando incluyo el fichero highgui.hpp (que a su vez incluye el core.hpp) en un proyecto para macOs en el xcode 3.2.6. Se producen 4 errores de compilación que son producto del siguiente error :

/opt/local/include/opencv2/core/core.hpp:428:0 /opt/local/include/opencv2/core/core.hpp:428: error: statement-expressions are allowed only inside functions

La línea en la que se produce el error está incluida en el propio mensaje de error: Línea 428 del fichero core.hpp

Associated revisions

Revision e4dee5b3
Added by Roman Donchenko over 11 years ago

Merge pull request #1780 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_m_pi


Updated by Kirill Kornyakov almost 13 years ago

You can reopen this bug after providing English description and the proper subject. At the moment this ticket is the noise.

  • Status changed from Open to Cancelled
  • Priority changed from Normal to Low
  • Assignee set to Daniel Suárez

Updated by Andrey Kamaev almost 13 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.4.0
  • Category set to trash

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