Android samples are incompatible with API 12+ targets (Patch #1724)
a new expection is throw by jdk1.7.0_01, and that need to be handle to compile the samples.
Associated revisions
fix for #1724: making Java samples compatible with Android 3.1+ targets
Merge pull request #1724 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_thresh
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov almost 13 years ago
Thank you for the patch, but please don't use the Immediate priority - it is reserved for special needs.
Andrey, could you please look into this?
- Priority changed from Blocker to Normal
- Target version set to 2.4.0
- Assignee changed from Kirill Kornyakov to Andrey Pavlenko
Updated by Andrey Pavlenko almost 13 years ago
Actually the patch has no relation to JDK 1.6 or 1.7.
It makes the samples sources compatible with Android 3.1+ targets, but breaks compatibility with Android 3.0 target.
A small trick needs to be applied to keep both 3.0 and 3.1+
Updated by Andrey Pavlenko almost 13 years ago
- Target version deleted (
Updated by Andrey Pavlenko almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Done
Updated by Andrey Pavlenko almost 13 years ago
- Subject changed from Path to compile Android-opencv with jdk 1.7.0_01 to Android samples are incompatible with API 12+ targets
Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 13 years ago
- Target version set to 2.4.0