cv::RotatedRect::boundingRect() with different behavior between versions (Bug #1406)

Added by Andres Hurtis over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Status:Done Start date:
Priority:Low Due date:
Assignee:Vadim Pisarevsky % Done:


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cv::RotatedRect::boundingRect() is returning different results in different OpenCV versions.

code is this:

cv::RotatedRect my_rotated_rect(cv::Point2f(1000, 1000), cv::Size2f(200, 100), 3);
cv::Rect br = my_rotated_rect.boundingRect();
std::cout<<"x = "<<br.x<<" y = "<<br.y<<" width = "<<br.width<<" height = "<<br.height<<std::endl;

In version 2.3.1 32 bits windows it returns:

x = 897 y = 944 width = 207 height = 113

In version compiled from svn trunk from March 27, 2010 (64 bits Windows)

x = 944 y = 897 width = 113 height = 207

So, x and y axes are inverted between versions.

Best regards,

Andres Hurtis

Associated revisions

Revision 8525fb07
Added by Roman Donchenko over 11 years ago

Merge pull request #1406 from SpecLad:gpu-resize-warn


Updated by Alexander Shishkov over 13 years ago

Good day!
Yes, results of this function are different for various versions of OpenCV. But I think that results of version are correct and results of other version are So we should not fix behavior of the function in the latest version.

Best regards,
Alexander Shishkov.

  • Status changed from Open to Done
  • (deleted custom field) set to invalid

Updated by Andres Hurtis over 13 years ago

Hello Alexander,

In order to have backward compatibility I wrote some code, I'm pasting it here to share. With this the results are not exactly the same but they are equivalent.
Note: axes are not inverted. The main difference is that the angle is referred to y in old version and to x in new version.

cv::Rect boundingRect(cv::RotatedRect &rotated_rect)
static int opencv_bounding_rect_version = -1;
if(opencv_bounding_rect_version  -1)
if(cv::RotatedRect(cv::Point2f(10, 5), cv::Size2f(20, 10), 0).boundingRect().x 5)
opencv_bounding_rect_version = 0;
opencv_bounding_rect_version = 1;
cv::Rect ret;
ret = cv::RotatedRect(, rotated_rect.size, rotated_rect.angle + 90).boundingRect();
ret = rotated_rect.boundingRect();
return ret;

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