meanShift and TestHaarCascadeApplication GPU Tests Issues (Win7) (Bug #1257)
Encountered 3 of the GPU tests terminated abnormally in the middle.
- MSVC 2010 Express on Windows 7-64bit
- OpenCV 2.3.0 64-bit build CUDA enabled. (Debug x64)
- opencv_extras-r6194
- CUDA 4.0 (64-bit) + Driver 275.33
- Nvidia graphics hardware GeForce 310M (CC 1.2, 512M DDR3)
2 tests crashed:
- meanShift.accuracy
- meanShiftProc.accuracy
Both crashes are related to GpuMat Release() call.
1 test throw assertion
- Nvidia.multitest -> testListernerHaarAppl.invoke()
I am not familiar enough with gpu code to understand what exactly cause the crash. If you need more information, please let me know.
Associated revisions
fixed #1257 ( HaarCascadeApplication GPU test crash )
Merge pull request #1257 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
Updated by Frankie Fong over 13 years ago
one more detail to add:
CUDA_ARCH_BIN is set to "1.2"
CUDA_ARCH_PTX is left empty.
Updated by Anatoly Baksheev over 13 years ago
Thanks for report.
Will meanShift crash if you disable Nvidia.multitest?
Just we have a guess that Nvidia.multitest writes in wrong place and breaks other tests.
Updated by Frankie Fong over 13 years ago
Well, Nvidia.multitest is run after meanShift in opencv_test_gpu project using VC++.
And secondly, I also tried run them separately, using command line argument "gtest_filter=meanShift.*" and "gtest_filter=NVidia.*" respectively.
Therefore I don't think the NVidia test is affecting meanShift tests.
When the meanShift test crashes, a windows notification pops up saying that the NVidia driver stopped working and then recovered. The screen actually went blank for a second.
Updated by Alexander Shishkov about 13 years ago
- Description changed from Encountered 3 of the GPU tests terminated abnormally in the middle. Environm... to Encountered 3 of the GPU tests terminated abnormally in the middle. Environm... More
Updated by Anatoly Baksheev almost 13 years ago
MeanShift crash is not reproduced with trunk on x86/x64 sm_12/sm_20, CUDA 4.1
TestHaarCascadeApplication crash was reproduced for windows x64 only Fixed in r7788
- Status changed from Open to Done
Updated by Andrey Kamaev almost 13 years ago
- Target version set to 2.4.0