Android Sample | OpenGL config error (Feature #1083)
I have a reproductible error when I lunch the android Samples, my apps crash when GLSurfaceView.EGLConfigChooser was create, there is no configuration returned by the call of > egl.eglChooseConfig(display, s_configAttribs2, null, 0, num_config);
Here is the exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No configs match configSpec
I compile the last trunk OpenCV, and I follow the wiki's instructions.
I compile for android 2.2, API-lvl:8.
I try armeabi and armeabi-v7a targets, but it's same issue.
I also try the emulator and my GalaxyS, but it's same issue.
I maybe missing something arround opengl,...
Thank you,
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #1083 from jet47:cuda-device-layer
Updated by fabien Chevalley almost 14 years ago
I make the following changes, without that I have null reference exception on runtime.
Updated by fabien Chevalley almost 14 years ago
I try a with a little different patch, #1085, and it's work.
I make a new checkout of trunk, apply my patch. And then compile everything for target armeabi-v7a.
It's work fine on my Galaxy-s ( android 2.2 ), but it failed on emulator (Native ABI mismatch from package file) maybe with a armeabi it would work...
- Status changed from Open to Done
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Updated by Andrey Kamaev almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Done to Cancelled