The Cookbook for Python does not explain how to install the 'cv' module (Bug #1055)

Added by Jonathan Watt almost 14 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

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The Cookbook

dives straight into how you use the 'cv' module without first having a section explaining the ways in which this module can be obtained and installed.

I've been having quite a bit of trouble getting the new 'cv' module installed on my system (Mac OS X 10.6). There seems to be a lot of confusing info out there on blogs and the like related to getting old and now defunct(?) Python bindings, so as far as I can tell the best way to get the bindings for OpenCV 2.2 is to build and install OpenCV from source after installing Numpy.

I had various problems with the OpenCV build system not recognizing Numpy after I'd installed it, but I figured those out and updated the wiki to hopefully help others avoid those problems in future. However, running |make install| still doesn't seem to install the 'cv' module for any version of Python on my system.

Given the difficulties of obtaining and installing the 'cv' module, it seems to me like there should definitely be a section on this in the Cookbook.

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Associated revisions

Revision 38cf0a69
Added by Roman Donchenko over 11 years ago

Merge pull request #1055 from pengx17:2.4_ocl_hang_workaround


Updated by Alexander Shishkov about 13 years ago

  • Description changed from The Cookbook to The Cookbook More

Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 13 years ago

  • Priority changed from High to Normal
  • Target version deleted ()

Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 13 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to Low

Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 13 years ago

  • Target version deleted ()

Updated by Maksim Shabunin over 9 years ago

Issue has been transferred to GitHub:

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