yao wang

  • Registered on: 2012-02-16
  • Last connection: 2013-11-13


  • OpenCV (Developer, 2012-02-16)


Reported issues: 0


10:40 am OpenCV Bug #3338 (Done): ocl::cornerHarris
10:38 am OpenCV Feature #3339 (Done): ocl::integral with CV_32F, CV_64F


10:42 am OpenCV Bug #3336 (Done): ocl::erode, ocl::dilate
pull request #1703


03:14 am OpenCV Wiki edit: ChangeLog (#140)


10:20 am OpenCV Bug #3078 (Cancelled): Runtime error “CL_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME” when calling ocl::StereoBeliefPropa...
Please have a check if the problem is caused by binary cache. In release mode, now it automatically cache the binary....


07:11 am OpenCV Bug #2243 (Cancelled): OpenCL barrier problem at stereo matching - conditional barrier arrival ne...
07:10 am OpenCV Bug #2243 (Cancelled): OpenCL barrier problem at stereo matching - conditional barrier arrival ne...
This piece of code doesn't exist in current ocl module.
06:54 am OpenCV Bug #2761 (Cancelled): ocl kernel compilation fails with "'dst_align' macro redefinition is not a...
Try the latest driver please, i didn't find these errors on 9.17 driver with SDK 2.0
06:44 am OpenCV Bug #2674 (Done): ocl.hpp needs different #ifndef
Fixed in 2.4.4

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