Nisarg Thakkar

  • Registered on: 2014-06-21
  • Last connection: 2015-04-24


Reported issues: 2


03:53 pm OpenCV Bug #4282 (Done): Documentation: VideoCapture::get
It has already been merged.


05:16 am OpenCV Bug #4243 (Done): Change in morphologyEx kernel specifier from opencv-2.4.9
I have submitted a pull request :
Please review it.


06:07 pm OpenCV Bug #4194 (Cancelled): cv::meanStdDev returns inf sd for CV_32FC1 Mat in release build
This seems a problem in IPP. If I remove the IPP for CV_32FC1, the result is calculated correctly. But, if the number...


05:37 am OpenCV Bug #4227 (Open): YUV implemented incorrectly
I think this has been implemented correctly. OpenCV uses YCrCb whereas Matlab uses YCbCr. I guess this might be causi...


06:56 pm OpenCV Bug #4207 (Done): OpenCV 3.0 SVM crashes for large number of iterations
Can you post your training data?


04:26 pm OpenCV Bug #4217 (New): KNN returns unexpected class
I think this is working according to the algorithm. The output is 1 because on considering k=4, we get, 1 member from...


07:02 am OpenCV Bug #4194 (Cancelled): cv::meanStdDev returns inf sd for CV_32FC1 Mat in release build
Hi Sergey,
Can you attach the @im@ that you used?
05:19 am OpenCV Bug #4111 (New): imwrite can't write jpeg2000 4-channel images.
Currently jasper doesn't support 4 channel images.


12:09 pm OpenCV Bug #4159 (Cancelled): When drawing circles a linetype of CV_AA does not cause the resulting dra...
You should change your code to :...
06:18 am OpenCV Bug #4159 (Cancelled): When drawing circles a linetype of CV_AA does not cause the resulting dra...
Sorry, that was a different bug

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