Luis Díaz Más

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2015-03-19


Reported issues: 6


08:32 pm OpenCV Bug #4244 (Done): resizeWindow doesn't work properly with Qt backend
Solved with a minor change. It has been only tested in Ubuntu 14.04 x64


07:39 pm OpenCV Bug #4244 (Done): resizeWindow doesn't work properly with Qt backend


10:14 am OpenCV Bug #4208 (Cancelled): NORM_HAMMIG2 and NORM_TYPE_MASK with same values


05:54 pm OpenCV Bug #4023 (Done): OpenCV Vision Challange - Bad link for "EPFL Multi-View Stereo" dataset


07:14 pm OpenCV Bug #2989 (Cancelled): filestorage writing pod types
I just test your code with version 2.4.5 and I don't suffer this problem.
The result obtained with XML output:


08:38 pm OpenCV Feature #2838 (Open): core/core.hpp is not parse-able by ctags


10:54 am OpenCV Bug #2604 (Done): Error trying to encode an empty image with JPEG encoder


08:16 am OpenCV Bug #2334 (Cancelled): SIGILL detected with valgrind in cv::addWeighted8u
I forget to say that the code runs correctly, but when I try to find memory leaks with Valgrind, it always show this ...
08:09 am OpenCV Bug #2334 (Cancelled): SIGILL detected with valgrind in cv::addWeighted8u


07:24 pm OpenCV Bug #1538 (Open): Bug re-creating window after destroyed.
Hi! I was taking a look to the tickets in order to colaborate in the project and I try to reproduce this error in my ...

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