Egbert van der Wal

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2013-05-04


Reported issues: 1


05:22 pm OpenCV Patch #1459 (Done): Allow to select grabbing type in RetrieveFrame Python function
Here you go:


10:24 am OpenCV Patch #1459 (Done): Allow to select grabbing type in RetrieveFrame Python function
I wasn't informed of the update, I would've expected a mail notification. Sorry about this.
However, you say that ...


02:21 pm OpenCV Patch #1459 (Done): Allow to select grabbing type in RetrieveFrame Python function
Not to be nagging or anything, but why is implementing a patch of 1 single line to the Python bindings taking so long...


02:57 pm OpenCV Patch #1459 (Done): Allow to select grabbing type in RetrieveFrame Python function

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