Michele Adduci

  • Registered on: 2014-05-22
  • Last connection: 2014-11-20


Reported issues: 2


03:01 pm OpenCV Bug #3986 (Done): Compiling errors for cap_ffmpeg on Ubuntu 14.10 x64
well not only the enum, but also some functions have changed their purpose and some are deprecated.
02:59 pm OpenCV Bug #3785 (New): Compilation (installation) error of opencv at WIndows
WITH_IPP=OFF, I can compile OpenCV 3.0 with MSVC 2012 without any problem, using OpenNI2 support and OpenGL too.
02:54 pm OpenCV Bug #2523 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2.4.3 Windows installation error


01:09 pm OpenCV Bug #3986 (Done): Compiling errors for cap_ffmpeg on Ubuntu 14.10 x64
after some searches, I've discovered libav hase changed API and removed some stuff it's still used in OpenCV


10:34 am OpenCV Bug #3986 (Done): Compiling errors for cap_ffmpeg on Ubuntu 14.10 x64
Some of the errors:
in modules/videoio/src/ffmpeg_codecs.hpp: error 'CODEC_ID_H264' (but also all the other ones t...
10:31 am OpenCV Bug #3986 (Done): Compiling errors for cap_ffmpeg on Ubuntu 14.10 x64


02:07 pm OpenCV Bug #3704 (Open): OpenCV 2.4.9 highgui multiple definitions of functions


03:11 pm OpenCV Bug #3704 (Open): OpenCV 2.4.9 highgui multiple definitions of functions

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