Artur Wieczorek

  • Registered on: 2014-04-20
  • Last connection: 2015-09-25


Reported issues: 0


04:46 pm OpenCV Bug #4087 (Done): highgui window_w32.cpp error: 'TBBUTTONINFO' was not declared in this scope
Fixed in "PR3570":


06:39 pm OpenCV Bug #4107 (Open): 'struct IUnknown' has accessible non-virtual destructor for MinGW 4.9.2
Fixed in "PR3599":


09:02 pm OpenCV Feature #2625 (Done): Const correctnes for cv::VideoCapture::get
Implemented in "PR3504":


09:31 pm OpenCV Bug #4078 (New): the fuction cvCreateFileCapture return 0 on Opencv 2.4.9
From what you've described it seems that your library is built with HAVE_VFW and HAVE_MSMF options disabled.
Please ...
06:58 pm OpenCV Bug #4087 (Done): highgui window_w32.cpp error: 'TBBUTTONINFO' was not declared in this scope
TBBUTTONINFO should be defined in commctrl.h if _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400
BTNS_xxx should be defined in commctrl.h if _WIN...


05:00 pm OpenCV Bug #4043 (Cancelled): Imwrite does not saves image properly
I cannot reproduce this issue with OpenCV 2.4.10 and 3.0 (trunk) under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (x64).
Saved bitmap is not d...


04:58 pm OpenCV Bug #4013 (Done): cv::ellipse does not fill in some cases
Fixed in "PR3447":


02:03 pm OpenCV Bug #3989 (Done): fitEllipse
Another example:
Below set of points defines following ellipse: width=34 height=16 angle=90 center=35,35


06:24 pm OpenCV Bug #4013 (Done): cv::ellipse does not fill in some cases
See "PR3447":
05:59 pm OpenCV Bug #3989 (Done): fitEllipse
This issue can be also reproduced with the ellipse drawn using following code snippet:...

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