Alexander Reshetnikov
- Registered on: 2012-01-23
- Last connection: 2012-05-10
Reported issues: 2
- 07:32 pm OpenCV Bug #1893 (Done): Failing to read a frame with VideoCapture when reaching the end of a video take...
- Thank you for the report, Julien! It was fixed in r8315.
- 04:46 pm OpenCV Bug #1892 (Cancelled): Setting CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES to 0 fails when VideoCapture is used to rea...
- Julien, I've fixed it. The reason was in seek method of VideoCapture. It was changed in r8314.
- 06:17 pm OpenCV Bug #1892 (Cancelled): Setting CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES to 0 fails when VideoCapture is used to rea...
- Julien, could you attach a video used in your code (now I cannot reproduce this situation)?
- 04:10 pm OpenCV Bug #1749 (Done): CVCapture memory leak
- This problem was detected and solved in r8274.
- 07:08 pm OpenCV Bug #1862 (Done): Failed test Highgui_Image.write_big
- 09:30 pm OpenCV Bug #1481 (Done): cv::VideoCapture memory leak
- Hi, guys! I've found the reason of this leak: in grabFrame method we must release packet for frame reading on every i...
- 04:30 pm OpenCV Bug #1536 (Cancelled): VideoWriter fails to open MP4 container
- 04:29 pm OpenCV Bug #1481 (Done): cv::VideoCapture memory leak
- 04:27 pm OpenCV Feature #935 (Open): Add API to enumerate cameras
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