Pavel Campr
- Registered on: 2012-02-12
- Last connection: 2012-08-07
Reported issues: 3
- 02:01 pm OpenCV Bug #2193 (Done): python - probem with IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY in imwrite()
- same happens on Windows 7, 64 bit, OpenCV development version from June 2012 (2.4.x).
python is 2.7 - 10:23 am OpenCV Bug #2193 (Done): python - probem with IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY in imwrite()
- I use OpenCV 2.4.2 (compiled from 2.4.2 svn tag, ubuntu 12, 64bit)
- 09:10 am OpenCV Bug #1915 (Done): avi video without codec leads to crash
- > It's not a bug. And it just means that version you are using is not an OpenCV 2.4.1. It is OpenCV trunk which is di...
- 01:19 am OpenCV Bug #1915 (Done): avi video without codec leads to crash
- I made some tests on fresh compiled opencv 2.4.1 (r8558).
* *Win7* - I can read all videos now.
Btw. my opencv ...
- 09:26 am OpenCV Bug #1915 (Done): avi video without codec leads to crash
- I'll try to recompile 2.4.1 and test on ubuntu, win7 and debian, until middle of this week... I'll post my results he...
- 09:22 am OpenCV Bug #1915 (Done): avi video without codec leads to crash
- program crashed with "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" message on Ubuntu.
- 09:18 am OpenCV Bug #1915 (Done): avi video without codec leads to crash
- same here, video without codec crashed, same video with codec works.
tested on :
opencv 2.4 rev: 8482 (2012-05-28...
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