Kevin Hughes

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  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2016-07-25


Reported issues: 7


06:36 pm OpenCV Bug #3342 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2-4-6 MInGW Binaries and Latest MinGW Release


01:13 am OpenCV Bug #3342 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2-4-6 MInGW Binaries and Latest MinGW Release
I think Amro is right this is what I suspected the issue was. One of the other opencv dev's who is in charge of the r...


01:24 am OpenCV Bugfix #3306 (Done): cv::VideoCapture reads only image sequence if images are located in the same...
I think I may have wrote some of that documentation and its possible some confusion arose with respect to the double ...


03:24 am OpenCV Bug #3342 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2-4-6 MInGW Binaries and Latest MinGW Release
The binaries are there thats not the issue, the error would be different if it were a missing dll, this is more like ...


02:57 am OpenCV Bug #3342 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2-4-6 MInGW Binaries and Latest MinGW Release
Hey! sorry I was expecting to get an email when this issue was updated but that didn't happen for some reason.
I a...


05:43 pm OpenCV Bug #3342 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2-4-6 MInGW Binaries and Latest MinGW Release
oh fyi here is a link to the tutorial
05:39 pm OpenCV Bug #3342 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2-4-6 MInGW Binaries and Latest MinGW Release


05:33 pm OpenCV Bug #3196 (Done): FileStorage read/write for cv::Size,Rect,Vec
05:28 pm OpenCV Bug #3195 (Open): Load and Save not implemented for CvKNearest


04:49 am OpenCV Patch #2288 (Done): cv::VideoCapture can handle image sequences but this feature is not documented

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