Christoph Siedentop

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2013-05-19


Reported issues: 2


04:17 pm OpenCV Bug #1370 (Done): SVD fails with non-square matrices
Priority is "critical" because it returns wrong results unknowingly to the user.
01:25 pm OpenCV Bug #1370 (Done): SVD fails with non-square matrices


11:06 am OpenCV Bug #1299 (Done): Point3 operator* (Matx33, Point) bug
Why did you not include the test in the commit?


04:59 pm OpenCV Bug #1299 (Done): Point3 operator* (Matx33, Point) bug
You completely missed the point. Whatever you fixed, it wasn't this bug.
Anyway, I attached a patch. It has a tes...
12:46 pm OpenCV Bug #1299 (Done): Point3 operator* (Matx33, Point) bug

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