Stefano Fabri

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2016-02-16


Reported issues: 4


07:49 pm OpenCV Bug #3831 (Open): Cannot compile OpenCV 2.4.9 + CUDA 6 with clang on Mac OSX 10.9, SSE2 errors
Anybody can try wtih clang, libsdtc++ 4.8 and cuda 6.5?
06:36 pm OpenCV Bug #3831 (Open): Cannot compile OpenCV 2.4.9 + CUDA 6 with clang on Mac OSX 10.9, SSE2 errors
__builtin_ia32_movnti64 is introduced in clang 3.4 what version are you using?
01:20 pm OpenCV Bug #3831 (Open): Cannot compile OpenCV 2.4.9 + CUDA 6 with clang on Mac OSX 10.9, SSE2 errors
We have got the same error here:


11:46 am OpenCV Bug #2452 (Done): findContours corrupt memory
The status of this bug is "Done".
We could apply this patch and leave it done or we need to reopen another ticket wi...


01:24 pm OpenCV Bug #2452 (Done): findContours corrupt memory
Vadim, Andrey what do you think of this patch?


08:04 pm OpenCV Bug #2397 (Cancelled): LshIndexParams broken by implementation of HierarchicalClusteringIndexParams
Ok so do we need to call directly findNeighbors? Because documentation and miniflann expose only knnSearch and radius...
07:34 pm OpenCV Bug #2397 (Cancelled): LshIndexParams broken by implementation of HierarchicalClusteringIndexParams
Marius did we need also a knnSearch wrap method of findNeighbors as implemented in lsh_index.h?


07:36 pm OpenCV Feature #2307 (Open): kmeans() only accepts 2D and CV_32F


06:53 am OpenCV Bug #2280 (Cancelled): FeaturesDetector and DescriptorExtractor returns a null pointer (opencv 2....
Probably is not documented but you need to use initModule_features2d now.
Take a look here:


03:12 pm OpenCV Bug #2240 (Open): android non-free detector/descriptor segmentation fault

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