Ehren Metcalfe

  • Registered on: 2014-04-11
  • Last connection: 2014-06-01


Reported issues: 1


04:48 pm OpenCV Bug #3389 (Done): CVVideoCamera on iOS 7
I created pull request for this.


06:36 pm OpenCV Bug #3642 (Cancelled): Link errors with opencv2.framework (undefined ref to cv::_InputArray::getU...
I resolved this by deleting all frameworks from all targets in my proect and re-adding. Excuse the noise but thanks f...


05:30 pm OpenCV Bug #3642 (Cancelled): Link errors with opencv2.framework (undefined ref to cv::_InputArray::getU...
:/ Initially, it appears the above testcase isn't an issue with a minimal project. Once I can sort out the issue with...
04:52 pm OpenCV Bug #3642 (Cancelled): Link errors with opencv2.framework (undefined ref to cv::_InputArray::getU...
Thanks Alessandro.
I will put together an XCode project (note: I'm still on 5.0.2 but shouldn't be an issue).


10:17 pm OpenCV Bug #3642 (Cancelled): Link errors with opencv2.framework (undefined ref to cv::_InputArray::getU...
Here is the error with the mangled names:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:


08:06 pm OpenCV Bug #3642 (Cancelled): Link errors with opencv2.framework (undefined ref to cv::_InputArray::getU...

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