Daniel Takacs

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2012-12-20


Reported issues: 3


11:34 am OpenCV Bugfix #2555 (Done): Compilation error with tdm-mingw (4.7.1) in case of enabled c++11
Created a new "pull request":https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/243 against the 2.4 branch.


07:21 pm OpenCV Bugfix #2555 (Done): Compilation error with tdm-mingw (4.7.1) in case of enabled c++11
Created a "pull request":https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/239 with the necessary change.
07:05 pm OpenCV Bugfix #2555 (Done): Compilation error with tdm-mingw (4.7.1) in case of enabled c++11
Kirill Kornyakov wrote:
> Changed the ticket type to Patch, since the solution is proposed. BTW, am I right that the...


05:45 pm OpenCV Bugfix #2555 (Done): Compilation error with tdm-mingw (4.7.1) in case of enabled c++11


07:21 pm OpenCV Bug #2282 (Cancelled): Improve documentation about imread and cvtColor function behaviour
In general it should be specifically stated that the default ordering is BGR in highgui.
Even the tutorial (http://d...


12:52 pm OpenCV Bug #1510 (Done): Misleading documentation for matrix reshape operation
Vadim Pisarevsky wrote:
> Indeed, Mat_::reshape() looked like a potential problem. I checked OpenCV code and we seem...


02:27 pm OpenCV Feature #1347 (Done): Add OpenCVConfig.cmake files to win-superpack
Sergiu Dotenco wrote:
> It should be noted that the currently provided OpenCVConfig.cmake is pretty fragile and part...


01:23 pm OpenCV Feature #1347 (Done): Add OpenCVConfig.cmake files to win-superpack


06:44 pm OpenCV Bug #1035 (Done): r4942 breaks building of ffmpeg module on gcc systems

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